For probably three weeks i have been trying to write a post about Titus 2 and how i feel it is my role as an unmarried woman to put myself in a position where i can learn from older women. I should have known how this would work out - i could not do it. But having just read Jo's beautiful post 'little mothers' i was instantly inspired and responded in a way more natural to me, God instantly put the words in my heart which express everything i had originally intended to write but couldnt find the way to do so. I am grateful for the opportunities God has given me to practice at being a mother because i know this is an investment not only in my earthly future but in heaven also. Investing in the people around me gives me the opportunity to be a blessing, to be blessed and to store up treasure in heaven.
I shall not cling to material possessions,
I shall not trust in financial gain,
I shall not delight in worldly success.
For my hope is more solid, more certain than this.
A career will not satisfy my heart
Success will not feed my spirit
Nor money sustain me.
Where does my hope come from?
My hope comes from the Lord,
In whom I dwell,
In whom I trust,
In whom I delight,
For he will bless me with the desires of my heart.
My joy is in my Father,
My hope is steadfast and true,
He stores my treasure not here on earth but where I belong in heaven.
For this is do not seek worldly success or security,
Instead I see the treasure I am promised in the eyes of the child smiling up at his mother as she sings sweetly in his ear.
As I observe and learn and do this mother invests in me,
As I observe and learn and do this mother invests in the future of my family,
As I observe and learn and do I invest my heart and my Father invests in me.
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